Written by Sandora Kuma on April. 20th 2020
For a very long time, I felt cut off from all things good in the world. I felt that I had been a decent, fair, and kind person. I worked hard yet I felt attacked by life. I felt like that no matter what I did I was cut from goodness ....
Written by Sandora Kuma on April. 22nd 2020
As empaths, lightworkers and healers we see the good in everyone. We “see people as God would” as perfect light beings, deserving of love, healing and hope.
We often think that we can heal this person...
 How to Create Sacred Space
Written by Sandora Kuma on April. 22nd 2020
Creating sacred space is just that; Sacred.
Recite this prayer in the morning, before doing healing work or teaching a class. 
Included are written and video form:
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